Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 2011

Aiden has really gotten the hang of pulling himself up on pretty much everything and then proceeding to shuffle along the wall, boxes and toys. He’s even been able to stand unassisted by himself for a few seconds – while not all that sturdy it’s still impressive to see. He loves holding his bottle and feeing himself. We think he’s teething again so we’ll keep a close eye on the next white present. We paid a visit to Tahoe with mimi and pops and Aiden spent a few seconds in a sled just long enough for some photos in his bear suit that’s all too adorable. He got to experience his first real snow storm. Mimi has been visiting quite a bit and Aiden loves spending time with her. It’s clear that Aiden has been developing a strong bond with his grandparents and as soon as he recognizes that they’re in the house he automatically reaches for them. He’s been a bit clingy lately which we don’t mind all too much because that means we get lots of hugs. Aiden got a visit from Amber and we know he’s growing up because he let her hold him with little fuss. Aiden got his first ride up front in a shopping cart and he very much enjoyed the experience. He’s definitely a curious child and loves touching everything he can get his hands on and at the same time trying to put everything in his mouth.