Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 2011

We introduced Aiden to chicken and sweet potatoes and he loves both. We also put him in a backpack carrier and it’s hard to imagine him liking something more – he laughs, coos and smiles ear to ear when in the carrier. Daddy has been taking Aiden on more Marin hikes and both are enjoying the time outdoors exploring some new terrain.Mommy and daddy took Aiden on a sunny afternoon hike along the coast on the owl trail and then the Muir Beach overlook with some amazing ocean views. Aiden has been spending some days with Bac Bac while mommy and daddy are at work and has been enjoying the family time. Aiden absolutely loves to hold onto your hands and walk around the house then grab onto something and hold himself up, he’s been getting quite good at pulling himself up.